Monday, December 13, 2010

Talent vs Hard work.

Please don't think I want to brag from the title. I still need to work on both. I'm merely transferring what I saw, not trying to lecture anyone. I'll treat this note like it's skripsi, many references from others. I'm not qualified enough to make a statement.

So my drawing.. Hmm not really that good this time. Need more practice on the color and quarter view

Hopefully the one requesting doesn't complain much..

One always question whether it's better to be talented or hard working. I'm just gonna say from the start it's better to be hard working. I found this amazing quote from Calvin Coolidge, former president of USA.

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”

Okay I found it on drawing site, but I find it able to be implemented on various aspects of live. I'm not a paragon of hard working, so maybe I'll show someone who does. Note when I say hard working it doesn't mean they are untalented.

Surprisingly.. from Indonesia..

From this artist...

Again from Indonesia...

From this artist...

Okay what are the chances both of them are Indonesian. I didn't know at first I thought they were Japanese or something. I'm pretty sure now Indonesia pride will not come from the government EVER. It's from these people and many more that are not embarrassed to slap Indonesia in their DA accounts, despite the horrid media exposure Indonesia received, that I take some pride in being Indonesian.

How about talent? Having talent can get you far, only if you use it. I'm pretty sure Michelangelo didn't sit all day and poof Sistine Chapel appeared. It took about four years to completed, I googled. For talent.. hmm this guy.. note it's not that he doesn't work hard.

not from Indonesia... guess from where..

Notice I don't use some expert graphic artist. I know the reaction will be "Meh, they are pro. Of course it looks good".. Well even pro has to learn too in the past but whatever.

So this dude is totally awesome. He is only 16 and in high school! He does things that I didn't even consider when I'm at high school. Okay what did we ever do at high school? Seriously I just goofed around pointlessly, so were some of you. Don't lie! I'm with some of you!

It's not that I envy them. More like I wonder what if I met them in real life at mid or high school. I know it's not possible due the age difference and locations. But what if... Would I become better from their influence...? Man, I wanted to go back and smack the Me-Ten-Years-Ago. He'd cry, but at least he'd toughen and wise up a bit.

Oh I'm not by any means disrespect my friends from school. I appreciate all my friends. Thanks guys. Me being such weirdo and all.. :)

“For true success ask yourself these four questions: Why? Why not? Why not me? Why not now? .”

James Allen quotes (New Zealander Statesman. Minister of defense (1912-20), 1855-1942)

I will try coloring with traditional and digital now. I always think I'll do it when I go to art class someday, but just planning can't get me anywhere. I'll do whatever I can for now. From books, internet, I don't really care. When I see their arts, I think what am I lacking? We all have two hands, two eyes. What separate me from them are time and effort, and I'm willing to commit on both. :)

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