Okay continuing from fanservice from before. It's actually not a bad phenomenon, I mean people always use beautiful model to advertise whatever product they have right, so it's expected to see it's use for games or movies etc. Right my drawing first..
Now if only I can do something like below...
Wait for it...
Now the picture above is absolute prime example of fanservice done right. You know it's just a drawing of fictional character from a video game, but in the split second when you saw this, your endorphin fueled brain must have conceived it as "Holy mother of pearl, That's awesome!! la la la" Don't argue. It's law of physic.
Maybe the term fanservice is way too broad and common. I could put hundreds of cosplay models, CG or what not. So I'll just search everything from Capcom and it has to be official not fan-made, it simplifies things. keep in mind I write note in about 30 min. Let see how much effort a company put for fanservice.
Morrigan is the epitome of fanservice. She is a succubus, in case you don't know, succubus is mythical being that feed on male carnal lust. She is so powerful that her power is divided to another manifestation of herself called Lilith, the little one. Capcom throws a lot of sexual lesbian innuendo. Don't lie Capcom, this is purely for male demographic, isn't it?
Forget about innuendo, this one went straight for groping. If a company made one overly enhanced female being groped by another scantily clad over-exposing female character, do you know what is it called? No. it's not desperate attempt to grab consumers' attention. It is art. Don't argue.
Ah the ass shot of Cammy, where are Street Fighters without them. Cammy is supposed to be Bison's clone and she is only teenager. Well you can't blame Bison for the cloning part, why would he wants to clone ugly mofo like himself. If I could clone myself, I'd rather my clone look like Cammy.
So a great fanservice doesn't need to camouflage itself. It blatantly advertises the product and you know it's fanservice, but you just don't care, even though the product itself doesn't play out or resemble any of the ads. It's like you are being lie to, but just as Rihanna's song "Love the way you lie" the consumers just don't mind and it's a great marketing strategy. Much like porn, it's here to stay on any media that needs exposure, which is, all of them. :D
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