Okay this is take two.. I wrote this yesterday when it's blackout and fb didn't save it. Due to increasing lameness and poor attempt to cash-in with Hell arc, Bleach is undisputed-ably sucks balls. But still there are some appeals, no matter how strange they are, on the manga. Even if you are a fans or scornful reader, just accept the fact hat Bleach is so weird.
My drawing first http://vividobscura.deviantart.com/
but then I saw...
The artist is humble and polite too.. sigh.. one day man
Wow where should I begin to describe what went wrong with Bleach. Okay the manga had a good start in Soul Society arc, the story was going well, the pace was fast and there were some good battles as well. The climax of Rukia's execution, imo, wasn't that epic, I didn't feel dramatic moment. It didn't get to the level of Nami arc in One Piece, and Nami arc was approximately the same chapters as Rukia. Nevertheless it was good, but it went downhill from there.
Thee first of all, the hype. Bleach is an endless string of hypes. Someone on inet said Bleach was like an infomercial, I couldn't agree more. Think of it like a salesperson selling exercise / workout machine in TV:
"Now with ABS-O-METER!! You can train your abs, thighs, chest, ass to perfection.. But wait!! There is more, it can also train... your NOSE!! That's right!!, call xxxxx now to order"
Apply this to Kubo's work:
"Now introducing Espada!! This is number 10.. 9.. 8.. etc.. 3, wait, I'll just kill this big boobs fanservice without apparent reason to invoke emotional sense on young adolescent fans.. Yeah.. But wait there are more... Number 1.. This is the most bad-ass of them all, he splits his soul in half to escape loneliness, damn that's cool, I'll make him die with just shikai, damn I'm good! But WAIT, there is more, this is number 0!! Oh hell yeah, he got defeated Byakuya and Kenpachi. The end."
The same with Ichigo, unlike One Piece or FMA which can tie up any loose ends despite more vibrant cast, Kubo's plan if he can't deliver the climax scene is more hype..:
"Meet Kurosaki Ichigo, He can do shikai, bankai and even hollow form. He's awwwsome. But wait there is more! He can turn into bad-ass super saiyan hollow form if he's dead or annoyed enough by some boobalicious character.. BAM! There is even more, you wouldn't believe it, he becomes his own sword, yeah man like transform or combine or some shit, he got extra wig, clothes and stuff.. You know his clothes represent his reiatsu, one sleeve equals captain level, quick bring him some shirts, jeans and Ta-dahh! Instant godlike.. There is even more!! OH MAN, you wouldn't believe it.. He is now a HUMAN!! This one is for Hall of Fame!"
Than comes the other problem.. Lousy waste of page!
Forget one page of character staring at each others, one page to pose in the heat of battle, two pages worth of Gin unleashing his long sword, two pages worth of Aizen taking his glasses and put on wax.. That's child's play.. It's common trait of Bleach, but Kubo went to place other artists and mangakas never even think of going, the absolute waste of page.. Behold "THE HEART" When I saw the upper blank space I thought the page didn't load, thus I refreshed a couple of times, then I scrolled down... I never WTF!? that loud since Tezuka's Zone attracted meteor from space and annihilated the dinosaurs.
This isn't over yet, never forget the plot. There are many mangas that have more complex plot like Death Note, by they seems to be able to neatly tell the story in a coherent way.. But not Bleach's plot, it's equivalent to getting shot by machinegun, full of holes. What happened to Grimjow? Is he dead? the last I saw him, he's laying on dirt looking like he's about to cry because Nnoitora, How about Nel? Yeah Nnoitora almost made her cry too.. At least we know he is going to hell for sure..
And the Vaizard.. Hiyori got slashed in half, they got wasted by Aizen along with the captains. Remember Soi Fong's, Toushiro's and co face when Aizen stabbed them.. Yeah like a school girl who got raped. The expression speaks for itself, "Why? Kubo!? Why?" I believe Unohana, 4th captain, went back with Ichigo. Did she heal them all? I mean like that's way unlikely considering how many Aizen victims there wasere. If she did pull it off, she should be captain commander. Come on now, do you prefer muscle old man or Milf looking mature chick?? XDDDD
Okay anyway the whole experience with Bleach can be sum up to:
With the massive fanservice, those boobs and abs are there for a reason, and great art, the whole final getsuga didn't make any sense, but the drawing was awesome. Bleach is here to stay. Quiet frankly, even though you hate it, you still read it once in awhile, even just to know what the hype is all about. However at the end of the day, there is one agreeable thing about Bleach, it is HOLLOW.
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