Time for happy happy note. Ever wonder where the 80' era macho guys disappeared to? Well other than Expendables? Yeah me too. Apparently nowadays comic, movie, anime, game and most medias use more effeminate and sentimental characters. I can see the reason though, it's hard to go for the thought provoking story driven character with big muscle bound steroid Ahnold type. But some take it way to far...
And my drawing http://vividobscura.deviantart.com/
This is a request for DA friend..
Now almost, if not all characters here are from Asian. For some reason Asian medias have used effeminate sometimes androgynous characters, even the ones with more wild trait are portrayed to have medium type body. Ever see Asian game anime whatever use Marcus Fenix type from GoW? No, me too. It's fine though, understandable even, but sometimes they pull out "IT'S A TRAP" characters..
The best stories can make you invest in the characters and plot. Whether it's their conflicts, their designs, their voice-overs etc. In fact, the more successful stories make you care about the characters. Take Titanic for example.. hmm too drama.. Dark Knight or Inception then, when Batman battle against Joker, we can sympathy when he have to choose best friend or girl friend. The moment of Bomb-them-before-they-bomb-us in ships can also be interesting. We care if the button in Inception falls, don't we?
Even in 300, the death of Leonidas is meant to be dramatic. So what if some artist makes "IT'S A TRAP" characters? Imagine the embarrassment and the WTF moment if what we thought cool awesome beautiful bad-ass chick turned out to be a dude!!?? Imagine Hit Girl in Kick-Ass turn out to be Hit Boy!! GAHHHHHHH!!!!! THE PAIN!!!!!
In this case ONLY, thank God for spoilers...
6. Lau Wong from Bujingai
The game wasn't that impressive. It's practically a explosion of gajebo lightning or some other shit.. It's repetitive button mashing game, but it featured.. Gackt.. Yes truly he became a game character. I never dig the girly look, but hey some developer found it a brilliant idea to feature him. He landed in last because he doesn't appear as woman.. kinda..
5. Calintz from Magna Carta : Tears of Blood.
Calintz looks like he stole clothes from Lady Gaga's wardrobe. He has this slender hourglass figure and pecks that looks like boobs. He even has some holes or whatever those things are in his pants to show her thighs. Man whore. He got this Asian hair that most female die for. And he moves like a girl too. The only feature that resemble a dude is when he speaks. His soprano voice creep the hell out of me every time.
No disrespect for Hyung Tae Kim here...
4. Kazuki Fuuchouin from Get Backers
Kazuki uses strings to fight, very macho indeed, The strings can be store in the bells attach on his silky hair.. So far so macho.. He wears women clothes.. Riighhttt.. Of all the male character in Get Backers, he is probably girlier than some of the girls. He just doesn't has boobs. For layman out there who haven't read it. Don't lust for him :P
Kazuki at no.4?? yeah the top 3 gonna test your manliness grroarrr..
NOTE: This note is for entertainment purpose only, don't take it seriously :P
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