I've been meaning to write something thought provoking and serious once in a while, but it turned out I just spammed some sexy anime pics. No more of that. I've been thinking since I saw many unused skipsi materials in my PC, what should I do with those. So I decided to post it here. If anyone want to use it or even sell it, go ahead, but please invite me to seminar proposal and sidang skripsi. I didn't use these for some reason, you know.
Oh first my drawing http://vividobscura.deviantart.com/art/Fairy-Tail-Erza-187047033?q&qo
Hmm this drawing is odd. It took me several attempts to get it right. I mean it's just simple quarter view, not very complex pose, but still... And I accidentally pressed my fingers in the paper. Fyi, it's a big no-no. I think it's what they called artblock. I say it's Hiro Mashima's spirit haunting me, like "ehhh nih orang ud sering bad mouth manga gw, skrg dia maw gambar char gw.. Nga segampang itu. Wkwkwkwk".... ---voodoo--- OTL
Okay onward to euthanasia. Euthanasia means "mercy killing", an act of taking someone's live in order to ease their pain. For example when one is dying, a person injects a lethal drug to help him pass away. It's controversial on how this is supposed to be permitted or not.
I actually did a paper on the subject while in high school, albeit it was on religion's point of view, which is practically against it. The theme is sound and could be viewed from law's perspective whether it's legal or not. I remember researching KUHP and found some article that said "orang yang membantu orang lain menghilangkan nyawanya akan dipidana xxxx". I know it was not meant for euthanasia, but it opens to interpretation.
I think image of euthanasia would be grotesque and I haven't upload this so there...
It can be describes as helping someone commits suicide is a crime, so it can also means the one helping is accomplice / penyertaan, which can also means the act of suicide itself is a crime. It's a bit far fetch if we look it that way. So the common explanation is the act of helping itself is a crime in itself. That leaves a question whether the person doing is aware of it.
Imagine your friend asking for a pair of scissors. "Dude, pass me that scissors, wouldya?". You reply, "All right, mate. Here you go." The he stabs himself in the throat and dies. Would that make you legal for prosecution? I don't think so. It's not your responsibility that he died. So that leads to another question. What if you knew about it.
There are two types of euthanasia, active, where one give drug to end life and passive, where one just unplug the machine. Let's say hypothetically that one's family member or friend is dying due some accidents or diseases. It will take them days or even weeks to pass. By this point they are unable to give coherent answer about their own well being, so that leaves the person in charge to decide. By consenting to unplug the life support machine, will that put the person at risk of jail time?
It's all just theory, there is one major problem with this theme. The data. How could one actually get euthanasia data? Surely you can't waltz in hospital and say, "Hey, doc. Kill any patient lately?" This is even harder than abortion because there are social and moral lines here. If it could not be proven that it had happened, then it would not be an issue. Or simply put "dimana permasalahannya?"
But to the artist who drew this.. man you are my hero, seriously total awesomeness brings tears of joy to my eyes.. tons of kudos, respect and admiration.
I think it's bad if euthanasia is associated in "mercy killing" since "killing" has bad connotation to it. It is more decent if it's called "aid of ascension". The legal system here doesn't provide enough info on the matter, whoever made KUHP must have not known there would be such an issue. The moral outline and medical reasoning might stand in the way of making this a viable option for any writing material. If anyone actually does this.. Wow it will be epic.
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