Well before all that creepy stuff. I want to rant, just a bit. It's been four months since I draw, yeah, I count. The goal is 1 year to Bleach / Gantz level, not copy cat, but my original. For once, I actually think I need more free time. I can make do 8-10 hours per week to draw, but that's not nearly enough. Think of it like college, if you have average 20 sks, you will spent 16-17 hours learning per week.
I spent about half of that, 10 sks maybe.. kapan maw lulus TT... Not to mention time to research references and bug some artist in DA etc. It's not efficient, in class you got stuffs handed to you, write this down, copy this. I just realized it saves time a lot, preventing trial & error dramatically. My whole learning process is just a bunch of trial & error. I'm afraid there is a limit of self-taught.
Well, if somehow some art master read this, please teach me, I don't care if it's 6, 16 or 60 years old people. I'll call you Nii/Nee-sama, "TT"
Edit: oh one more thing, I just saw contest with Bleach theme on DA, I know I'm a noob, but what the hell maybe I'll try it. If it's color, well I'm shit out of luck. If sketches are allowed, then I'll need a favor, just a few clicks please.
There should be a set of sketches in one page, I need you guys to right click on what you think is the best of that page and Copy Link Location and paste in on comment. That's it, if you can scroll in to a couple next pages and do the same, it will be very much appreciated. If your name is Aeron, you better help me out, I spent 2 hours on Lady drawing "shakes fist"
My drawing
Now the good/bad part :D
Honorary mention: Andromeda Shun from Saint Seiya
Man, I always thought Shun was a chick. There is no way that could be a dude, but it turned out to be a dude nevertheless. This is the shit we need to ban or at least give the people some education or parental guidance. Forget sex scandal tape, think of the children who grow up with false perception of gender because such negative anime influence, like ME. They should change the opening vid to "this is a dude" warning and be done with it. TT
3. Sharlott from Air Gear
This dude is downright creepy. He is probably still 10 years old. He wears lolita outfit with long blond hair and bondage mistress attitude. He saved this one guy and and almost die because of it, instead he returned the favor by doing blood / limb transfer or something. They have been partners (read mistr... master and slave) ever since. Don't look at me, it's Air Gear.
In fact this one chapter was the first chapter I read after years without seeing Air Gear. Years ago when I watched the anime, it was sport manga, now it's became this pile of perverse literature despite the cool art. I went to some forum when OneManga was down, I skimmed the comment and some were saying that s..he was cute. I don't know what more disturbing, many people fell into the trap or they said that knowing it's a trap
I lost some faith for humanity that day.. TT.. truly
2. Bridget from Guilty Gear
Bridget is a boy, let's be clear about this. The story goes that he is one of a twin. For whatever rule, a twin mustn't be raise identically, so he was raised with female clothes. The more disturbing is he wears nun clothes, yeah the lonely women of the clothes, not really sure why. He also uses yo-yo and teddy bear in a fight. There is also this giant handcuff he always carry, like you know, pervert bondage.
Not enough innuendo for you, he also being chased around by another male character. Bravo for not only portrayed a char as transgender but also object of pedophile. The story goes that he's not even bother if the nun outfit is weird and contradictorily want to appear somewhat like a man, but I mean just look...
1. Kaine from Nier ??
From far away Kaine looks beautiful, from up close she's gorgeous. I think the developer of Nier just flushed out all attempt for background and decent graphic, then invested most amount of time for Kaine's design. Let talk about the game a bit, the graphic sucks like PS2 era, the gameplay is so shallow and lack of variety, the original DMC or even more simple KH can surpass it. The good things about it are the unique story, the outrageous character and the OST is superb. There are few games when I stopped to admire the scenery, but Nier was the first time I stopped and hung out near NPC to listened to her song.
Kaine is one of the original and amazing char in a long time. She wears lingerie and high heel the WHOLE time. The outfit teases and reveals just enough. She wields two saw-like blades and cuts off some monster and there is blood everywhere also splatter all over her.. ehem "calms down" .. And her voice oh.. dubbed by Laura Bailey who did Halibel, Rayne, Chun-Li, Lust etc. Such sweet voice and she used it to maximum profanity. Yes, such elegant and classy when dropping sh*t F bomb. And she is possesed by demon too. Oh the girl of my dream.. :D
But later, slowly and with subtle approach, it's revealed that she is "armed".. yeah.. she is "packed".. Okay, so you have to finished the game 3-4 times to actually know her whole story, ending B, C and D.. I've completed maybe 2-3 ending, I forgot. It's half a year ago and I don't have time to trudge through the boring uninspired game. Maybe later, if I have the time, but I'm not sure if I want to know.The majority of media says she/he.. you know what I mean.
The whole time, the game calls her "She" and even though some narratives are a bit disturbing, like "sexless beautiful face" or "unique trait" or something, the game never blatantly says that she is a dude.. yet, maybe in further endings. The design is great, before the launch Squeenix hinted that she is he, maybe to save innocent souls. It also serves another purpose, so people would ogle at her private, but it never obvious that she is "packed", the undergarment covers it just so. I know what you are thinking Squeenix!! That's some bad-ass marketing technique you got there.
For being such outrageous dynamic, albeit confusing character and made passed through censorship. Oh holy hell what certain group of kepo would do if they find out about this game.. There will be chaos.. Great job Japan / Korea /Taiwan! Make a world of dudes who look like girls and girls who look like pornstar. Who's with me!!.. I'm kidding -.- Please stop making chars like this.
That's a wrap.. Sorry if it's too text heavy. I didn't plan it to be this long.
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