Final Fantasy is probably the sole franchise that even non-gamers are familiar with, it's been a household name for more than a decade. But let's face it, it's weird, the first and foremost is its name : FINAL Fantasy. After 14 iterations and dozens of spin-offs, I fail to see what is so final about it. Liar! So I've been playing XIII for a while now and been meaning to give a review but I haven't finish it, so to review now will be like copas from what I've read about it, don't want to plagiarize a simple note, instead you get a rambling. Yay
Again my drawing first
Okay, I don't mean to be cheesy or melodramatic here, especially coming off as emotional fanboy, but everyone who ever played FF can attest to its greatness. Whether it was its superior graphic, the atmosphere when trudging a detailed town or dungeon, the orchestral music, the gripping story or the compilation of the aforementioned, FF is more of an experience or memory rather than just a game, no less than your favorite book or movie. This is why it's one of the most beloved franchise, non gamers simply can't understand that.
Well honestly I played IX first than VII and VIII. Yeah, I actually didn't believe, and quite frankly detested FF back then. It was ten years ago and I was naive, judging it before I even try it. I believe it was when I was on a field trip in junior high that I first saw FFIX opening being played in a game shop. It's like "O.0 What the hell is this thing?! Must buy!"
It's actually the gameplay that made Final Fantasy survived its impending, albeit avoidable doom. There was no significant difference between its and other classic RPGs, but it's undisputed that the graph that made FF well known and loved by millions. Square always has a knack for creating FMV that was gorgeous and breathtaking, despite the shortcoming in the in-game graphic, but no more. FF13 marks the first FF when the in-game is almost as beautiful as the FMV, truly a sight to behold. When the actual FMV starts, damn it's phenomenal. It's one of the best I've ever seen, only ME2, RDR and Asin Crd2 that are equally impressive, even then it's hard not to claim that FF XIII has the best graph, it's almost undeniable.
On the sound department, it's different from the previous ones, another take as you will, as the all mighty Nobuo Uematsu didn't compose it. But fear not, it has different vibe, but it does not actually mean it's bad. It, however, reminds me when FF used alternative soundtracks like FFX-2 OST which quirky and J-pop. I like X-2 and while XIII doesn't playful tone, but so far so good. Here's one of my fave so far, you'll notice there is actually vocal mid-way which is rare for FF. Imagine this playing in the background as the characters strolls across the valley, sun is barely visible on the horizon just slightly revealing its shine reflected in large body of water below, then stops and pans the camera to view the vastness of it all. Took my breath away.
I wanted to write about the gameplay and so story, but I only have a dozen hours or so, let's leave it for next time. What I can do is tell you how much better the protagonist, Lightning than the previous ones, and in the process bash the character that shamelessly graced FF as so-called hero and failed miserably. Well to call Lightning the main protagonist will be a bit misleading since FF XIII is a story of multiple characters whose fate entwined together, the other characters are as important as Lightning and show many different aspect sof the story. Not your usual "Cloud saved the world!!!... with some other dudes..." I approve!!
FF VII - Failed expressionless soldier - Cloud
Many said that Lightning is a female version of Cloud, I disagree. Lightning can whoops Cloud's ass any day of the week. Cloud is bland and plain boring. I know soldier are supposed to hide their feelings, but he is just lacking personality, and the whole "brother, I love/hate you" thing with Sephiroth only gives his weakness more. Anyone remember the scene where he dressed as female to infiltrate a thug's mansion.. Awkward... He failed to save Aerith, tricked by Sephiroth, and Tifa has to saved his ass. All he did was gaze into the horizon like emo bitch. The only things that he offered is nasty case of too much hair wax and big-ass sword that inspired the internet to make "compensating for xxx" joke. Way to go, jerk.
FF VIII - You don't deserve Rinoa - Squall
At first Squall is kinda cool, strong silent type, but as I played, and now in hindsight, I realized he was just a silent type of asswipe. I mean, does anyone remember any of his lines other than "whatever..." Come on, he is like mute or a retard! You don't have to be sensitive poet, but at least show something human-like once in awhile. I don't get why he has so many fans, even from guys :cough: I can make statue with more lively attitude than that. And what's with the scar, try scaring your face and I guarantee you won't score a babe like Rinoa. Squall is Justin Beiber, let that sink in for a while.
And yeah of course you need to waste years to master it because someone decided to change the handle into gun's
FF IX - Thieving monkey boy - Zidane
He started off okay, trying to kidnapped a princess, ends up falling in love with her and realize thief and princess won't work. He is also a clone and his brother is an androgynous whose clothes reveal in some nasty place and he tries to kill him. Zidane doesn't get it easy, but he has more personality than the rest, quiet frankly his character development is given more thought and consideration. The worst thing about him is.. well, he is part monkey. I know Square was trying to find the fantasy vibe, but still... He is half monkey..
FF X - Annoying Clueless Jock - Tidus
Tidus is so happy and childish. The whole thing about him feels wrong, how come he is accepted as Yuna's guardian just by being stranded ashore. He's not realistic and comes off pretentious, always encouraging Yuna to finish her pilgrimage, little did he know that that means killing her. Although to his credit he sticks with her to the end. And turn out he is just a dream of a vanished ancient people. OMG lazy story telling, it's hard to find an coherent ending and we'll just say "he is a dream. now he's gotta go, bye".
FF X-2 - Britney Spears me - Yuna
Oh what is with Yuna? After preparing to give her own life away to save the world, also responsible for one of the most memorable CG, the sending in Kilika, she shed the summoner outfit and turn into a pop-star.. I mean what?? At some point, Square decided to turn X-2 into a macabre of Charlie's Angels rip-off with out-of-this world fashion show starring Yuna and her angst for Tidus the whole way to the game. I know maybe a girl want to have fun after all that thousand of monster killing and it's nice to see Square released a true sequel of FF. It's good, it's one of my first game in PS2, the CG is impressive and 1000 words is still my favorite OST, but I doubt that the choice in story and Yuna's transformation were good ideas.
FF XII - Not even the main char - Vaan
The others in this list might have some, many, flaws but they are all admittedly memorable. Whether it's because their weapons, ultimate moves, good moments in story, we all remember those tens, maybe hundreds of hours playing as them and rightfully so. But Vaan is in another league of suckiness, years from playing it, people will have hard time of remembering her... his name, mainly because he is just Ashe's servant. FF XII is not about him at all, all focus goes to Ashe, he is not even Ashe's love interest. All I remember of him is just "I wanna be a sky pirate. yay" What is this One Piece or something?
No, I take that back, comparing him to Luffy will be disrespectful toward Oda-Sensei. In stark contrast, XII has massive open world, but sparse events and XIII has linear world, but tons of events. In XIII, you feel like you are tagging along as the chars go on their journeys, but Vaan is REALLY just tagging along. In those sparse events, Vaan is literally just standing on background, even if sometimes he is included in the conversation, he always say something stupid and ruin the mood. In fact Balthier claims that he is the main hero. Who can argue? He is much more interesting and charming than Vaan, he even has a Viera, sexy bunny chick in his side, that's already an epic win in my book.
FF XIII - Please marry me - Lightning
Lightning starts off as stern type soldier hell bent on destroying... something. I thought "oh not this type again". Along the way her char develops immensely, she is able to be compassionate, remorseful and willing to accept others. She softens up a bit, but still has the determination and composure. By far the best protagonist I have pleasure to play as (no pun intended). She also reacts naturally and realistically making her more relate-able, but she has three major strong points.
First, her gunblade actually shoots some shit and can be folded, I want one,
Second, her acid tongue. I know this is a Teen rated game, but the things she said are sharp and straight to the recipients' hearts.
Third, combining with her acid tongue is her pimp hand. Yeah, she likes to bitchslap people.
Exhibit A:
Snow: (says to Serah) Don't worry babe. Your hero is here.
Lightning: (Bitchslaps!!) Does she looks protected to you??
Exhibit B:
Fang: I'm sorry.
Lighting: (stares and... Bitchslaps!!) Nothing changes...
Fang: Say that to my jaw...
Pure gold. She's so awesome, do you know what appears when you type "Lightning" on Google image search?
Note to whoever made gunblade: congrats for making it shoot stuff
Damn, this was long, certainly killed some time on my work.
PS: This note is for fun, if you read it this far and your fave chars got bashed. It's just a joke. I know they are fond memories, but they are still fictional chars. Remember the title itself has "Fantasy" on it.
Heehee. Ciao - Vanille