Saturday, April 16, 2011

Most Awesome Jobs

Wherever you are, whatever you do, have you ever think that someone somewhere has better job than you do? Congratulations, you are 99,2% of the Earth's population. This note is for you, the one who is studying for hours, working in the weekend or even being unemployed seven days a week. Note there will be no cheap tricks like porn star here.

5. Porn star

Okay, so I lied. Porn star accommodate the very basic need of humans, the need to jerk off. Even when the Indonesian government decided to block most porn sites like tube8, (Yeah, I blatantly admit that I noticed.) its delegates had the balls to watch porn in Parliament. Hypocrite at its best here. Notice that although they have several advantages, the risk of AIDS or any sexual transmitted disease might, lack of professional academy that provide tutelage, also the proficiency of one's private organ might prevent most people for choosing this career path.

Porn vs DPR. Porn Wins

4. Police

For further info, see the video As shown in the trustworthy aforementioned video, notice that almost all personnel of police department are fitness models, except for two jackasses that completely ruined it partially. If only all country establish this sort of law enforcement, the world will be a safer place, or it could possibly be a lot worse since most people will do their best to be arrested. Warning: the video might not describe real life polices.

This is a real police woman... not Beyonce...

3. Gymnast

Beside for the obvious reason of flexibility and finesse... okay, I have no idea what I'm talking here. But I can imagine it:

"Wow, you have reach... how do you stretch all the way... Oh god, is that your feet?"

How do.. seriously how?

2. WWE Divas

While only a tad away from full-fledged porn star, the females athletes of WWE still need fit physique. Consider it a mix between fitness, gymnast and porn star (including the bad acting) if you will. These women have it easy rather than their male counterpart, where they need to wrestle another sweaty muscular guy. The only setback is the females have to wrestle another female, presumably sweaty muscular and got slam into ground while their opponent pin or hold them in submission hold. On second thought, that's not so bad.

sdfbsdbfsafbs... Ah, I was just cleaning my keyboard.

1. Tennis Players

A profession that is respected while still being hot. Have you ever see a female tennis player that is not hot? Yeah, guess so. If you watch women tennis match, you'll see after a couple of serves, the players will be given a couple of balls. One to serve, and the other is reserved for the next serve. Mind you, the reserve ball goes into their panties. No, seriously, these lovely ladies put the ball on their underwear assuming they even wear underwear. Why.. if they aren't, is there a secret chamber in the clothes that we don't know?

Ball goes into the undies...

Sometimes even without undies.. But then where does the ball go to? I have no idea

So then the other player will try to return the ball which she served.. That's stupid. Don't return it, keep the ball. Imagine this:

The ball comes, she takes it, literally. Maybe lick or sniff the ball, then grins passionately.

I want to see the face of the opponent O.O... That's a better mind game than grunting. And talk about grunting, a girl got banned from games because she grunt too loud and Sharap-OHH-va just broke record of 110 decibel, equivalent of police siren. Ahhh.. The things you learn from Youtube....

The good news is it's not too late for you to switch your career. THAT WAS A JOKE. HAHA FAT CHANCE.

The better news is you are not alone.

That's it.

Portal Review

Have you ever wonder what it's like to be kidnapped by futuristic machine and thrown into an unknown maze as a lab rat where your own survival is always in question? Yeah, me too. There's a game for that actually. Enter Portal. From the creator of Half-Life comes one of the most unique games of this gen, and probably any gen for that matter. It's safe to say that after Portal, You'll think gaming in a new way. It defines gaming in basic level, like Tetris or Pac-man. The game mechanic is, dare I say, a true novelty.

Tutorial? This is it.

Portal is an add-on single player game of The Orange Box from Valve back in 2007. With limited budget and resource, it's quite amazing they could pulled off something this caliber. It is first person puzzle platformer, not to be mistaken with shooter, the first of its kind. From technically perspective, this game is merely next-gen version of Counter-Strike. The graph is bare minimum, a pristine laboratory and its shady factory-like inside, that's it. The parts that made the setting look mediocre, even by 2007 standard, compared to games like Gears of War or CoD : Modern Warfare, but it matters little. It's excellent in its simplicity.

The gameplay has to be experienced yourself. To put it simply, There are two portals at any time. The object that passes through one portal will appear in the other portal. So if you are trap in a platform, just shoot the gun and create a portal on the other end, let's say the blue one. Then shoot the gun again into a wall or a floor near you, create the yellow portal. Simply walk through the yellow and you appear in the blue one. That's the back bone of it. I can't overstate how amazing this works. It's like 4th dimension paradox or Inception shit.

Enter here...

Exit there... Yay!

Add the acid water, moving platforms, jumps, turrets, switches and you got yourself a groundbreaking video game. There are limitations for the gun, it doesn't work on crude surfaces, it won't get pass the laser that separates each test room. While it might cause confusion at first, but these things make very challenging and interesting puzzle mechanic. The game will give you hint bits by bits, but it's up to you to overcome the puzzle. No hand-holding, long tired narrative, just brief explanation and you're off on your merry way. Safe to say, Portal is the only one game of its kind.

There are subtle myriad things that make the atmosphere. The silent surrounding, the originally somehow reassuring voice of GLaDOS, the scribble of the wall beyond the test room from what seems to be the previously unlucky lab rat and the view of your own character walking from portal to portal. The details are brilliantly made, when you see it, it then clicks, all makes sense. The sensation of discovering something new and neat ways to solve the puzzle and not die are very rare in gaming, in any media. It further emphasis the ingenuity of this bizarre love-able game.

In reality it's like this...

Let it be known, the voice of GLaDOS is one hell of sexy machine. She, it, is a sentient human-hating full-of-lies cynical bitch of AI. She would sounded like any other computer at first, the inorganic voice like most that of your notification speaker of your GPS, even pretended to help you a bit, but soon it turned out that she just wanted to screw you mentally. Seriously, not many villains can do this. She doesn't rely on profanity or cursing, intimidation or such, but the ironic dark humor of her is truly creepy. For example how she just mention the possibility of death when falling to acid water, but after you get pass through it, she would say that it's only to motivate you, only to found out that the acid water would have, in fact, killed you.

It's a sense of humorous yet despicable, and you would hear her blabber the entire time. That the road is a dead end, but as you actually found out the way, she would congratulate you on how you prevail through pessimistic condition. How she used reverse psychology and when it didn't work, she obviously lied to fool no one, quiet adorably I might add. And of course how she fucking lied to you for the infamous CAKE, that is a LIE. Deep down, she is so cute in perverse kind of way that it's baffling that no one else had created this type of "enemy". The other voice in the game belongs to the turrets, when they hunt for your life "Are you still there~~?", "Put me down~~", "I don't hate you~~" Hilariously ironic.

Meet GLaDOS.. Isn't she cute?

This game is rather short, I completed it in about 5 hours. it's definitely one of the more unique games out there. Some called it the best of all time, while I don't think it's that good, but definitely one of the best. An instant classic game, can be recommended for just about anyone, gamer or not.

Graph : Looks dated, even when it was released, but passable. Note that, like Tetris, it doesn't rely on graphic much. 7/10

Sound : Silence at most time, the rest is symphonies by GLaDOS' robotic voice. 8/10

Gameplay : Simply masterful. 10/10

Presentation : Oddly brilliant and timeless. 10/10

Overall 8.8/10

PS : This is one of the few games which core mechanic and simplicity push it to another level of excellence. And the ending song, sung by GLaDOS, is awesome SPOILER

Kane and Lynch 2 Review

Once awhile, there is bound to be an enigmatic game like Kane and Lynch 2 : Dog Days. While it's not exactly bad, but there are some awkward designs that make this game almost stupidly annoying. The first striking noticeable feature that seems out of place is the amateurish video style. It's very similar to what a Youtube video or an old VHS video looks like. Stark low quality video with glaring lightning and grainy effect isn't exactly smooth presentation that most games aspired to be in this gen.

The unlikely protagonist from Squeenix..
Yeah, I know it's Eidos. Don't ruin the fun.

Imagine making a game with plain regular camcorder operated by random stranger you just hired to follow you across town, you're half-way there. The color saturation and brightness is a bit imbalance, creating obnoxious flashing lights throughout the game as if the lens isn't properly adjusted to capture the scenery. You view the action in a manner like a third person is holding camera wobbled by excessive abuse of profanity and half drunk all the time. The most confusing, literally, addition is the shakycam. It hurts the eye and the brain when the camera is constantly thrown side to side even when you are standing still in a cover. Don't get me started when you have to aim. Fortunately it can be adjusted in option, but who thought this was a good idea?

I understand the necessity to make it realistic and raw, but when it impairs the gameplay itself, it sucks. There are a few good touches, such as the buffering effect instead of loading screen, the static noise when you put a cell phone too close to a PC, censored sex and gore, and the picture disintegrated when you take some damage. They are all just cosmetic, despite being unique and fresh, it's still far from the best presentation compared to others shooters. I have high tolerance of dizziness from playing game, but I couldn't stand playing this game for long. You'll get used to it after a few hours, but it's quiet nauseating at first and you probably won't be interested to play this for long.

Its story follows the titular Kane and Lynch as they assume the role of the wrong guys at the wrong time all the time. Some girls got killed, people trying to kill them and such. Cutscenes are told in a series of continuous pre-scripted events which seemingly blend action and cutscenes relatively fluid. There is not much loading between the levels and cutscenes, and the checkpoint load when you die is quiet short. The pacing actually flows properly, but the levels themselves are basically corridors with bad guys over and over again. Shooters basically use that approach, but Kane and Lynch 2 doesn’t has any variety to it. It’s unimpressive and uninspiring.

Lynch trying to escape his own game.. To no avail..

The graphic is understandably choppy due the presentation, but the setting is not without merit. Sometimes it's quiet detailed like the merchandises in the shops or the streets of Shanghai, but it doesn't get as nearly as good as the ones I saw from its competition. Main characters model are well rendered, until the cuts in their bodies, but the enemies and some supporting characters are downright stiff mannequin-like. They move so unnatural and forced, pretty much a marionette with only half the strings. Their expressions are even worse, near last-gen doll model.

The whole thing looks like Siren, a horror game from PS2. Eidos created smooth presentation like in Hitman, I wonder it this game would benefit better if they made it like that. It should be okay if the game plays great, but unfortunately it's not as good. The awkward movement and graph actually hurt the gameplay too. Animation of enemies getting shot is downright ridiculous, they will tumble inconsistently, flailing their limbs as if they are bitten by a swarm of mosquitoes when in fact, you are peppering them with bullets.

I played in Hard mode, but I wanted my enemies to be clever with some level of sophisticated tactic to overcome them, but instead I got bullet sponge enemies with barely hit detection on them. One time, I shot a guy 4-5 times in the legs when he was crossing from cover to cover, he fell down so half-assedly and then after what seemed to be a constipated attack, he got back up and acted like nothing happened. Why did he leave his original cover in the first place? I don't know, the AI does that sometimes. Why didn't he suffer from massive leg amputation? No clue. And why he sometimes has no blood on him while my camera got smeared with blood all over when I got scrapped?

The blood smeared screen from a couple of bullet..
Notice the enemy casually strolling with smug grin on his face.

Yup, the gameplay don't have many to offer. Just go here, take cover and shoot. The bare bone of shooter. It doesn't even has an array of cool weapons. Only your basic SMG, assault rifle and shotgun, with a glimpse of MG at the latter part. Some of the weapons have piss poor accuracy and more like a pellet gun to irritate your neighbor. No grenade, explosion is done by throwing some things, fire extinguisher or gas tank, to enemies and shoots it. This proves to be risky when crowded, because the time spent to throw such objects is equal to the time a group of men need to waste you if you lean over from the cover. There is also no melee, only human shield grappling when an enemy is close by, which is useless since you'll expose yourself, only able to use handgun while harassing the poor sod and the remaining enemies usually shoot through your hostage. Dumbshit.

Other than the highly inappropriate profanity, there is little else recognizable on the sound department. There is no soundtrack to be had here, surprising because the main title itself has Chinese tracks which gives the wrong impression of audio friendly game. The noise of each guns is present and quite distinct, but nothing new or fresh. Enemies will sometimes yell at Chinese, but remain silent most of the times. The echoing sound from the distance or occasion songs are not frequent, so you are left with Kane and Lynch banter each other, and complaint psychotically about their situation.

Good news is story can be played co-op, a rare treat and certainly much better to go at it alone. Other than the story mode, there is the arcade mode. It's basically a heist mode of multiple people which the players are one of the robbers. The objective is get the money and escape within time limit as usual, but mid-way you can kill your teammate for their share, or abandon the ones that has least money or decide to take all of the loot for yourself. Each action has repercussion, making this cat and mouse game interesting. Unfortunately, it still use the same mechanic as the story.

Admittedly, this made me lol the first time.

Kane and Lynch is a mix bag. It has some good ideas, but none of it came into fruition well enough. The story is around 6-8 hours, there is still multiplayer and arcade mode, but the gameplay mechanic itself isn't compelling. It's not easy to recommend this to any one. It does try to make a harsh realistic journey in Shang Hai, but ultimately falls short. Find Vanquish instead.

Graph. Blaring uncomfortable color tone and ugly character models. 5/10

Sound. Jarringly quiet and unmemorable. 5/10

Gameplay. Basic shooter with some twist. 6/10

Presentation. Unique, yet confusing and comes off as lazy. 6/10

Overall. 5.5/10

Bulletstorm Review

Shooter genre is very crowded, understandably so. There is something profound and intriguing in shooting one's face clean off or blasting a guy's torso with a direct shotgun blast. It's just timeless, but a game needs some edge over its competition to stand out from the sea of other similar games, Bulletstorm has just that. If the recent Vanquish is acrobatic GoW, then Bulletstorm is FPS take of the same game with added leash and doused in profanity fumes.

Pretty sure the leash is on his left hand

What seems like a mash of confusing carnage is actually intricate ways of inflicting much pain to your enemies tender areas. From early on, you will be introduced to the leash. It's pretty self-explanatory, you leash and pull stuffs with it, such as people, explosive create, people's head etc. This simple yet almost bordering on magical tool is the bare bone of the game and you'll be hurling enemies up and down, launching them into air and demolishing their poor souls in a blinding spectacular visage like a drunken Marcus Fenix.

This game rewards each kill with points which also serve as monetary, they are called "Skillshots". Practically everything you can think of on how to kill a person in extremely brutal yet creative ways is present. The simpler ones like Headshot, Gag Reflex (shot in the throat), Trip Wire (shot in the legs), Mercy (in the balls, then in the head), Rear Entry (in the butt hole) can be done with any weapons. But then it gets interesting fast, you can factor in the environment too, Environ-Mental (the usual red crate), Vertigo (kick them off a cliff), Voodoo Doll (Impalement).

Add that with weapons' special skillshot, Fan-tastic (shoot a man with a drill to the ceiling), Topless (blast everything from waist up with shotgun), X-Ray (Use one charged shot to penetrate two enemies), the possibilities are endless. It's just the tip of the iceberg. You can burn someone, drag him with a leash, launch an exploding flail to his body, kick him in mid-air to use him as a flying bomb into a group of enemies next to an exploding barrel, then watch the symphony of chaos that ensue.

This is more fun in motion.

The gameplay is just pure fun. It's flexible, diverse and pure adulterated unapologetic mayhem, the campaign story is not so much. The story is filled with swearing, it becomes old fast. This is not the same as Mafia, Scarface or even Nier (Oh, I love how Kaine swears), but simply obnoxious and disturbing. There is limit on how tolerant one can be to distasteful barrage of f^uck, sh^t d^ck before one cringes in agony. I appreciate the take on more mature theme on killing spree, responsibilities and the intertwined fate of the chars, but the presentation is a bit shallow and undermining those values.

The graphic is great as the game sets in exotic tropical planet of Stygia. View of the planet, bright sunset that serves as the background for your explosive genocide looks phenomenal. Its vibrant tone and color palette make it almost comical like Borderland, outlandish yet surprisingly fits to the game's ridiculous tone. The characters' animation looks a bit stiff though, it hampers the cutscenes' effect a bit as the facial expressions sometimes fail to deliver.

The enemies themselves are pretty diverse, although you can categorized them as the guys with guns, guys with melee, and some bigger guys. The game masks this well by facing you with different tribes, soldiers and mutants along the way, but aside from the clothes and whether you have to trip them before you can leash them, there is little to differentiate them. Framerate doesn't drop even though many enemies and things exploding at the same time, the load time is also pretty short considering some of the levels are quiet long.

Character models are average, but the background is splendid

On sound department, the game works well. If you ever wonder how would a person minced to death, head speared to wall or burned by hot dog cart sound like, this is probably it. Other than the sound of your roaring weapons and enemies' cry, the profanity reigns supreme. Its dialogue leaves something to be desired, I kinda hate the characters for it. Simplistic abuse of stupidly placed profanity hurts my ear, this is not funny nor it is entertaining. The soundtracks are heart pumping upbeat tones, but you will probably too busy killing to notice.

I had fun this game. It's very generous on giving points away, simple actions such as looking, climbing, drinking, shooting bugs etc are rewarded with plenty of points. I finished it on Hard with about 90% skillshots, it is definitely possible to get all skillshot in one playthrough if you know what you are doing. So what should you do with that many points? Easy, buy upgrades and lots of ammo then use it to cause more catastrophes, gains more points ad nauseum. Just have fun with it.

Thank god, it's not all big muscle dude

The story will last 10-12 hours, quiet long. And you can do the Echoes, basically the free mode in which you aim for fastest time with as many Skillshots as possible. Bulletstorm doesn't take itself too seriously, or it actually does, but the misplaced profanity ruins it. As far as FPS goes, this one has surprisingly deep gameplay. Trust me, when the first Skillshot appears in your dead enemies, you'll want more. It's simply addictive.

Graph - The scenery and mutilation look great, but the characters animation are a bit sluggish. 8.5/10

Sound - Loud bang with tons of ear-rupturing swearing and cheesy lines. 8.5/10

Gameplay - Brilliant gameplay caters to your killing need. 10/10

Presentation - The setpieces are great, plenty of explosion, adequately long albeit campy story. 9/10

Overall 9/10

Season of The Witch Review

Riding Nicholas Cage's recent momentum after Kick-Ass, but ironically no one have ever heard of until they went to cinema, or maybe it's just me, comes Season of The Witch. Set in Crusade War, two deserters must escort a witch to be judge in some abbey located in another city. Along the way, many trials await them and so forth. In all honesty, I was hoping for more cerebral or philosophical take on witch hunt, not a semi thriller with barely decent CG.

LoTR much, Mr. Cage...

With the backdrop of the epic era such as the Crusade, one might think this is a dramatic war movie, but it's a bit superfluous since the Crusade part is only just a breeze in the opening part. It does set the tone for moody and drab journey though. The majority of the film takes places in tattered small towns and the open wilderness. Much of them have been plagued with great pestilence, Black Death, allegedly the doing of a certain witch, thus the witch must be judged to stop this plague.

Behmen (Cage) and Felson (Ron Perlman) play the tired warriors who just had enough of justified man-slaughter a la Dynasty Warriors and have a moral breakdown when they found out that they were massacring innocent people. I understand the tragedy of the church's reason of the genocide is to serve god, but it did take them almost ten years and a river of blood to realize, or even contemplate, that the enemies might be not so bad after all. It's just lazy or plain ignorance on their part.

The Ring much... err, witch...

So they are soon caught by a town's magistrates when stopping for resupply. They will be released if they agree to deliver the witch (Claire Foy) to an abbey far away. Cue the rag tag fellowship of being-killed-one-by-one and the dramatic journey begins. What boggles the mind is how few people were sent for this crucial task, even if the said town is being quarantined because of the plague. I can't help to wonder if these people are the only ones with the will, ability and balls for the task.

Along this perilous journey, the characters reflect on themselves and their motives as it progresses, like any altruistic bunch would do. Granted, there are a few moments that are captivating and interesting. It's good when Behmen is trying to figure out whether the chick is actually a witch or just another victim of misunderstanding, or when the witch acts quiet innocent and the monk is the one who actually seems like conducting domestic abuse.

To be fair, she's kind hot...

Nicholas Cage did his best to look confuse all the time, it's not as colorful or dynamic as his performance in Kick-Ass, but his action movie lead cliche is definitely apparent. He is the main appeal for me watching this, I shamelessly admit. Ron Perlman also did good impression of war hardened grunting warrior, as he always does. It becomes predictable, but these two look comfortable enough in their roles to be decent. Although maybe after performing with cute talented little Hit Girl, it's quiet jarring to act beside big man Hellboy without red skin tone.

The witch, Claire Foy is actually interesting. She is cute in an odd sense of way, audience will mostly be sympathetic for abused little girl and stay suspicious when she goes witchy at the same time. The rest of the cast is good enough to fill their roles, the over-enthusiastic knight wannabe, the noble vanguard, dutiful monk and sly merchant. Each will predictably die a horrible death, aside for some, for your viewing pleasure.

This witch.. is not in the movie

The action sequences are not attractive, mostly plan-less hack and slash rather than well-choreographed fight scenes that I have accustomed to for this sort of fantasy movies. There is a distinct lack of well placed kill scene and gory moments that really decrease the entertainment value of an action movie. I expected decapitation and dismemberment, and found them disappointingly wanting here. There's just sadly not enough gore for a genre filled with violence.

[SPOILER AHEAD! Skip this paragraph if you haven't watch.. or not]

Perhaps the most disappointing part is when the witch turns into a bargain bin Van Helsing rip-off. From the first opening scene, it reeks of scarefest movie, but after some of the better scenes like the bridge crossing, I was hoping for more adult and believable ending. The latter part of the movie just wasn't good enough and there's a striking plot hole too. The demon can actually finish them off and escape from capture easily, by the excruciating visibly plain method of.. Gee, I don't know... FLIGHT!! IT HAS WINGS FOR GOD'S SAKE. Why it didn't do it, aside from adding run time to the movie, is beyond me.

"Guys, do you think we better get rid of the shit heavy carriage and just drag the woman?"

"No, man. Stick to the script"


I think I have to be grateful that there was still Hollywood movies to be had here. It's not bad, but I certainly had hoped for more mature theme than a horror movie dressed as historic drama. I was also hoping for Cage's performance like in Kick-Ass, but certainly prefer this than Pocong vs Kuntilanak. Serviceable but not great. Rate 6/10

What We Put In Our Mouth

What is it that determine what we eat? We might think that everything we eat is normal, after all we've been doing it for decades. But there are a few things that constitute what we call foods or drinks; our environment, ideology and health. It's basically simple, but food is more than that, it can also be a way to be accepted and find our place in a society. Often three things above will dictate our view for food and become part of our identity.

Wow been a few weeks since I did this.. Her boobs are actually smaller.. Seriously her original art is gigantic.. O.O

Now you'll be surprise what you will find grotesque or edible if your were to born in the other side of the globe. What we look as palatable might be disgusting to them and what they eat might be appalling to us. There are a few foods and beverages that really stand out for their bizarreness, but they are regarded as exotic sometimes. Some even eat it to prove superiority, for exclusivity and bragging right that they have ate food others don't dare to. All this are from Discovery, Natgeo etc, I searched the video link but it seems restricted by copyrights, words will have to do.

Blood + Milk

In some African tribe, their source of meal is their cattle. But considering how expensive or precious a cow or goat is, shouldn't they maximize the potential? Aside from squeezing the milk out of them, they also drink the blood. They use a sharp wooden straw and stab the stomach of the cattle, and they will bleed from there. Combine it with the fresh milk, stir it a bit, and then drink it for a nice full course of meal. They say it's high in nutrition and to stop the bleeding they simply pull out the straw and pinch the wound a few minutes.

Will you drink it?

How about now?

Fugu Fish

How can a poisonous fish became a delicacy in Japan is beyond me. It doesn't taste good, according to some documentary. It needs some unique spices to make it palatable and a highly trained chef to prepare it. There are parts that venomous, especially the liver and selling them without permit even consider illegal. This is so dangerous they even made law for it, but ironically the price for it is expensive. Hopefully it's worth your bravery test. This spells instant death to me.

Living Squid

In South Korea, they eat the squid raw, as in still breathing and living. I can't even comprehend why one eat something that can choke them from inside out. Now each tentacle of the squid has many round suction thingy that.. suck. Imagine dozens of them latched on your throat, insanity I tell you. They say wrap it around properly and it won't happen. Yeah, right, choke to death isn't on my to-do list today. Pass.

As bad as this...


What part of snake, you say? Well, almost all of it. Snake is usually taken live in Thailand or Vietnam, drained from its blood and then made into wine. No, seriously, and to top it of, the chef peel the still beating hard and add it to the cocktail. It is said to have aphrodisiac effect on male consumer. The carcass can also cooked for the delicious flavor of snake meat, again this can allegedly improve vigor and stamina. Hey it worked on MGS3, so I guess it's possible.

Pet Meat

There are several animals that are considered close to human, cat, dog and horse. Dogs and cats are even considered as family member, while horse are famous as noble animal. It's not acceptable in some culture to eat the ones so close to us, but in Africa, they actually eat dogs as part of rite of ascension. And there is a shop in London that sells horse meat, they say it tastes good, but not so much after they know it's horse. Others like it better after each bite. It proves that mind contributes to flavor, not just tongue and lips.

Does bunny count?

Rotten Cheese and Durian

There is an irony for both of these. Western people often think durian is disgusting due to its aroma and texture, they also say that it's a bit intoxicating. While they might not be wrong, but to us, especially Indonesian, do we look at durian this way? We are more tolerable to it, because many eat it, our family and friends perhaps. But in the opposite, Italian eats rotten cheese. Rotten might be a bit misleading since cheese by many considered to gain more flavor as time goes, but there are some that even have worms in it, and they still eat it. This is the perfect example of geography plays a certain role in our culinary.


Balut is half newborn ducks still in their eggs. Let that sinks it. It already has a shape of a duck, the beak , the feathers and some shit. Give enough time and it will eventually hatch, but no Philippine people decided to eat it. That's sick! They take pride in the only nation to have the stomach to swallow the damn thing. I don't really know whether it's an accomplishment or not, it just shows that they eat nasty thing. And furthermore it is rumored to boost sexual prowess. Philippine whores even eat it before they work.

Hhaha you thought there was some pictures of Philippine whore, did you?
I ran out of witty ideas, anyway this is cosplay of Kaine, the character is hermaphrodite...
You must wonder if the cosplayer is one too, do you?

Ohh I'll note about this next time :D

So there are some of the weird foods, there are many more, some are even downright obnoxious, but I don't want to post it on fb. There are also some video and gross images, but really... do you want to see them or some guy puke.? Well that's it, It killed quiet some time.

Young And Talented

It just occurred to me that there are tons of reality / talent show. Some of the contestants are seriously young and real contender, not just someone they put it to rake up rating for younger audience. Well, that too probably, but it doesn't change the fact that these young ones can inspired the ones who are older than them (read us). Note their age was at the time they were at their respective show, which were 2009-2010.

This is Jukebox Juniors from Got To Dance UK, second place.

6. Melinda Ademi - American Idol - Age 17

With age restriction down to 15, many younger people auditioned for American Idol. I just picked her because her background story. She is war refugee from Kosova, and cute. Got sent off in Hollywood.

5. Matthew Koon - Got To Dance UK - Age 15

From the usual "school-then-work" Asian family, Matthew has the incentive to chase his dream instead, dance. Watch and learn, parents. Fourth place on the show.

4. Isabella - Australian Junior Masterchef - Age 12

From a show that focused on young participants, you bet I put it on the list. What? It's not cheating, more over it's actually a good way to discover new talents and teach them as they grow up. Isabella is the winner, makes you think Indonesia should do well following in their footsteps.

3. Kendall Glovers - Live To Dance US - Age 11

It's a bit unbelievable that 11 years old could dance like that. Gorgeous and athletic, I don't know dance technical stuff, but you really don't have to know to enjoy the show. Kendall made it to second place.

2. D'Angelo and Amanda - Live to Dance US - Age 9 & 10

The only ones who beat Kendall were D'Angelo and Amanda. It's like watching miniature of a professional contemporary dancer. They are also "in a relationship" lol

1. Akai Osei - Got To Dance UK - Age 10

Another winner, from Got to Dance, Akai was only 10 years old, facing multitude of much more experienced acts. Doing MJ impersonation and street dance. Crazy good.

So what does this leave us? If Indo do this type of show, make sure put someone young in there, people tends to vote for kids. I will, maybe. But that doesn't mean parents should toss their children regardless. And just because we're older, that doesn't mean we should underrated the ones younger than us. Sometimes wisdom also comes from acknowledging the talents of others.

Vanquish Review

Tired of the same third person shooter with steroid consuming mass of muscle? How about stuck a bunch of rockets to the hero's behind and blast him like experimental science subject? This is the base of Vanquish, basically make third person shooter faster, more bullets with 80' macho one-liners. Surprisingly it works, much like Bayonetta to action games, the over-the-top campy guilty pleasure will make you smile for brief hours this game lasts.

The story is very simple with just a minor twist; you play as Sam, there's the bad guys, they are the ones shooting at you with those hundreds missiles, you shoot them back until one of you die. Easy and simple. While the story won't win any awards for depth or writing, but the overall vibe is quiet epic, it somehow reminds me of old PSX game, Silent Bomber. They even play alike when you obtain one of the weapon called Lock-On Laser. Safely say that this is a new approach of TPS, like the other end of spectrum from Gears of War. It even has contrasting pristine and glossy look compared to the other TPS.

You'll be doing this a lot.. I hope Winning Eleven had this move.

From Platinum Games which brought crazy witch last year, it'll be everything but normal. The basic TPS's mechanics are still present here. The cover system, peek-and-shoot, evading roll etc work well and smooth. But the main attraction is the rocket sliding, in which you boost yourself with aforementioned rockets on your behind to flank, approach or escape enemies. The speed at which you do this is ridiculously fast and the essence of your survival. It give you the ability to slide, on you knees sometimes, a la futuristic suster ngesot.. That sounds wrong, like Angelina Jolie's knee sliding at Wanted, that's better.

In case you haven't notice, the flashy suit has distinct gimmicks than the usual grunt, the AR mode. It is simply a stylish bullet time that you can activate in various conditions whether it's automatic use when near death or manually triggered. You can jump out of cover with it, slow down time and shoot while sliding, flip-evade from any position, practically dodging bullets like heroes always do post-Matrix. The AR mode also triggers when you are wounded by strong projectiles, but bear in mind that these plethora of actions use the same gauge, even melee uses it.

Although the gauge will constantly replenish itself quiet fast, it will overheat if you used up all, rendering it unusable for a limited time period. This takes away precious seconds and important defensive measure, mostly will result in death when facing harder foes, so perform acrobatic stunts sparingly and effectively. The weapons are consisted of the basic ones, like assault rifle, shotgun, rocket launcher and more unique ones, such as disk launcher or Lock-On Laser which can be upgrade respectively. Upgrades are dropped randomly or when you pick up the same type of weapon repeatedly, they are already fixed so you won't have freedom on what aspect of gun you want to improve. The number of guns and upgrades are somewhat lacking.

Is this even legal? There is only one of me!!

Visually the game is remarkable. So many details span over such large battlefield including several dozens bullets and missiles from allies and enemies the same without even frame drop is quiet a feat. The animation is fluid and flowing realistically for everyone present. Character models are well crafted, while it does has distinct Asian vibe, it also implemented rugged look from western TPS. The facial outlook is quiet amazing, you can see freckles in Elena's face or facial hair in Sam in scrutinizing details.

While the setting has certain atmosphere throughout the game, it managed to differentiate the areas from one to another. They are vast and span a long distance, albeit you can only travel linearly, they do make an interesting backdrop. When AR mode comes into play, the view comes to almost a halt, making players appreciate the beautiful graph in every explosion, missiles launch, wind trails of the bullets and gruesome slow-mo deaths.

Take cover, you dumb old man.. you know what.. never mind..

Unfortunately the dialogues on the game are still as cheesy and corny as ever. This is not like Bayonetta' s quips which sometimes can be witty, but more like something Ahnold would say. Every line is delivered this way, the writing is just plain flat and pretentious. The dub itself is quiet good, everyone holds their respective cliche role well, although some lyp-synch inconsistency makes it harder to take the story seriously. I have to give credit for doing multiple language, the cast is not many so it's not that hard, but the thought is always welcomed.

Japanese dub has better flow, but lip-synch suffers greatly. Ultimately just take it as comedy take of TPS. Sound effect is good, the noises are spot-on, they can even help time dodge an attack. Bullets pass when AR mode is activated sound subtly hissing, muffled explosion and speech are also well done. Soundtracks of the game fit the heart pumping fast pace appropriately, but you probably too engaged in combat to notice.

Just be thankful that the voice in your head is that of a sultry woman, not a grunting marine.. That would suck..

The game keeps track of your points from your kills, deaths, allies saves etc, so it gives a bit motivation on clearing the stages as well as possible. For all the epicness, this game is short. Seriously short, I finished Hard on 5 hours, give and take some deaths and it's still less than six hours. There are God Hard mode, Mission select and Challenge, but they don't really give much incentive of playing it again. If you are looking for short burst of exictement, Vanquish is one of the best so far.

Graph : Beautifully made characters and backgrounds. 9/10

Sound : Good and suited for the fast pace despite the corny dialogues. 8/10

Gameplay : Loud, fast and engaging with plenty of WTF moments. 9/10

Presentation : The set pieces are epic, but the story is cheesy and too short. 7.5/10

Overall : 8.4/10

The Concept of Beauty

Beauty is in the eye of beholder, says an old catch phrase. But how true does it ring? Nowadays beauty is what the other one million people think they know and impose on you. Media is partially responsible for this, what dictates as beautiful can be different significantly from time and place. So is there any idea of beauty that can be universally accepted throughout ages in all corners of the globe?

Oh well

Oh, my drawing. Hmm, could be better. The scan was poor and the colors faded. I can imagine it, but somehow I can’t get the color I wanted. It would be much simple if I could do it digitally, but I suck at tablet and photoshop. I sure hope some artistic guru can teach me how. That’s enough rant.

How can one be describe as beautiful? Believe it or not, there is actually a ratio to measure one’s face and even body. It’s a complex series of 1:1.6 lines (the ratio of say, lips to jaw, pupils and eyes etc) that create triangular shapes and eventually those shapes form a mold for a face. If the ratio matches, then they are considerate beautiful. Oddly enough, there are researches that back this up, but that’s not to say the rest are not beautiful.

Something like this, but there is more complex version.

In old days, even up to the turn of previous century, and in some countries now, beauty is how plump people are. The bigger one is the more wealth does he or she possesses. This concept began from the idea that bigger people meant more food to be had, thus meant they were considerate as having more and at the upper class of society. Some of African countries are still thinking like that, in tribal settlement mothers usually force feed their young, especially daughters so they grow fat. Without modern supplements, this can be tough, so they resort in lots of maize and milk, sometimes even up to the point where the daughters throw up.

It’s mostly agreeable that beauty has to be attained, even for the ones born with more generous build then others. People need to maintain or simple achieve the state of beauty. From simple things like what one eat, how many times one exercise until the more extreme counterparts like using a corset, a tiny Chinese shoes or plastic surgery. That is actually the easy part, the harder part is how to be beautiful on inside, inner beauty, as they say.

Vintage image from 1960

Like many pageant events, people can be judged from how they react and respond to several problems. This is not certain, but it gives us a viewpoint on how one on the inside. People with more vibrant personality, modesty, humbleness, confident, honesty, generosity etc is viewed or referred as more beautiful. I agree to this, but not everyone at every time is given the opportunity to prove themselves on these occasions. Mostly we look at someone only at skin deep, “Wow, nice boobs!”, or “Kyaa, so cute…” that’s already a plus point regardless if the people are jerks.

Commonly, the usual concept of beauty is young, good skin complexion and body proportion. This is probably the most basic idea, and rightfully so. But there are so many interpretation that born from this. I don't mean in extreme cases like fetishes, but in more subtle ways. For instance, more comedical Japan's elf or furry like character. Basically put a girl in bunny costume, ehm Playboy inspired. It's mildly amusing and just for entertainment sake.

Ah Final Fantasy chars.. Never fail to emphasis on fantasy part

How about the more real ones, like skinny models. It is thought that skinny is better nowadays from much media exposure of lean people on magazine or news. Models do tend to have light frame, bordering on insanely thin. It can look good for the most part if the dresses are right or the poses are well adjusted, but too skinny can mean eating disorder. Some of them just don't look healthy and even come across as anorexic.

There are much skinnier ones than this.

Then the other end of spectrum, the more muscular one. Some fitness females model are known to have massive muscles in their repertoire. Some even achieved the bodybuilding standard and looks too over-muscled, albeit this happens more often in Western society. I rare see any women with more athletic build in daily life.

I think this is just right. There are others who look they eat steroid for breakfast.

Turns out guys can be described as beautiful too, but the meaning has shifted from more masculine look to over feminine persona. I blame K-pop and J-pop. Some of the guys actually look like maho, for lack of better words. There is a reality show in Animax "Pretty boys and girls" in which all contestants must perform ridiculous humiliating cheesy act of "cuteness". I vomited a bit when I saw a guy wearing make-up, lipstick, act like a girl, dance like a girl even wink like a girl and still have the nerve to say that they are boys, even trying to act bad-ass and cool sometimes. Just plain bloody atrocity. An abomination towards nature. Abnormalities at its finest.

Korean boybands make Justin Bieber look as macho as Ahnold Swashnegger. I downloaded SM*ho vid out of curiosity, half way through, I coughed, deleted the vid just so I wouldn't get infected by their mahoness.

I want to post some SM*ho image or something, but I decided it's not worth defiling my note.

I have more respect for crossdresser. Yeah, at least they have the balls to say that this is female's outfit or it's female char. There are even Kabuki, old Victorian play or ancient Chinese performance where the girls were played by the males. That doesn't means they were maho, some of them can be artistic even, rather then pretentious girl wannabes that still have "guy only in KTP"

This is not a girl..

.. it's a guy..

So does that means guys can't be beautiful with neat clothes or long hair? Not necessarily so. There are tons of guys who look okay even if they dress slightly different.

There's Jack Sparrow

.. and Batman..

.. and Kato..

So guys can be beautiful without being maho.. that leaves the question, why choose the maho part?

Let me end with a quote from Jack Black's old movie, Shallow Hal.

Hal: Okay, who do you think is the most beautiful woman in the world?

Mauricio: Wonder Woman.

Hal: Okay... let's say everyone else in the world thought Wonder Woman was ugly.

Mauricio: It wouldn't matter. Because I know they'd be wrong.