What is it that determine what we eat? We might think that everything we eat is normal, after all we've been doing it for decades. But there are a few things that constitute what we call foods or drinks; our environment, ideology and health. It's basically simple, but food is more than that, it can also be a way to be accepted and find our place in a society. Often three things above will dictate our view for food and become part of our identity.
Now you'll be surprise what you will find grotesque or edible if your were to born in the other side of the globe. What we look as palatable might be disgusting to them and what they eat might be appalling to us. There are a few foods and beverages that really stand out for their bizarreness, but they are regarded as exotic sometimes. Some even eat it to prove superiority, for exclusivity and bragging right that they have ate food others don't dare to. All this are from Discovery, Natgeo etc, I searched the video link but it seems restricted by copyrights, words will have to do.
Blood + Milk
In some African tribe, their source of meal is their cattle. But considering how expensive or precious a cow or goat is, shouldn't they maximize the potential? Aside from squeezing the milk out of them, they also drink the blood. They use a sharp wooden straw and stab the stomach of the cattle, and they will bleed from there. Combine it with the fresh milk, stir it a bit, and then drink it for a nice full course of meal. They say it's high in nutrition and to stop the bleeding they simply pull out the straw and pinch the wound a few minutes.
Will you drink it?
Fugu Fish
How can a poisonous fish became a delicacy in Japan is beyond me. It doesn't taste good, according to some documentary. It needs some unique spices to make it palatable and a highly trained chef to prepare it. There are parts that venomous, especially the liver and selling them without permit even consider illegal. This is so dangerous they even made law for it, but ironically the price for it is expensive. Hopefully it's worth your bravery test. This spells instant death to me.
Living Squid
In South Korea, they eat the squid raw, as in still breathing and living. I can't even comprehend why one eat something that can choke them from inside out. Now each tentacle of the squid has many round suction thingy that.. suck. Imagine dozens of them latched on your throat, insanity I tell you. They say wrap it around properly and it won't happen. Yeah, right, choke to death isn't on my to-do list today. Pass.
What part of snake, you say? Well, almost all of it. Snake is usually taken live in Thailand or Vietnam, drained from its blood and then made into wine. No, seriously, and to top it of, the chef peel the still beating hard and add it to the cocktail. It is said to have aphrodisiac effect on male consumer. The carcass can also cooked for the delicious flavor of snake meat, again this can allegedly improve vigor and stamina. Hey it worked on MGS3, so I guess it's possible.
Pet Meat
There are several animals that are considered close to human, cat, dog and horse. Dogs and cats are even considered as family member, while horse are famous as noble animal. It's not acceptable in some culture to eat the ones so close to us, but in Africa, they actually eat dogs as part of rite of ascension. And there is a shop in London that sells horse meat, they say it tastes good, but not so much after they know it's horse. Others like it better after each bite. It proves that mind contributes to flavor, not just tongue and lips.
Rotten Cheese and Durian
There is an irony for both of these. Western people often think durian is disgusting due to its aroma and texture, they also say that it's a bit intoxicating. While they might not be wrong, but to us, especially Indonesian, do we look at durian this way? We are more tolerable to it, because many eat it, our family and friends perhaps. But in the opposite, Italian eats rotten cheese. Rotten might be a bit misleading since cheese by many considered to gain more flavor as time goes, but there are some that even have worms in it, and they still eat it. This is the perfect example of geography plays a certain role in our culinary.
Balut is half newborn ducks still in their eggs. Let that sinks it. It already has a shape of a duck, the beak , the feathers and some shit. Give enough time and it will eventually hatch, but no Philippine people decided to eat it. That's sick! They take pride in the only nation to have the stomach to swallow the damn thing. I don't really know whether it's an accomplishment or not, it just shows that they eat nasty thing. And furthermore it is rumored to boost sexual prowess. Philippine whores even eat it before they work.
I ran out of witty ideas, anyway this is cosplay of Kaine, the character is hermaphrodite...
You must wonder if the cosplayer is one too, do you?
Ohh I'll note about this next time :D
So there are some of the weird foods, there are many more, some are even downright obnoxious, but I don't want to post it on fb. There are also some video and gross images, but really... do you want to see them or some guy puke.? Well that's it, It killed quiet some time.
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