Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Best Directors 2

Okay I admit I kinda messed up on this one :iconruncryplz: Especially that hair.. veil.. whatever that thing is.. Maybe it's too early to do something this complex. I don't know the face anatomy is okay I guess, but something's odd.. It just doesn't look exactly like her, the expression..

Well I need more practice, preferably on semi-realist first.. But I already finish it, at least I can get feedback or critique. So any advice will be much appreciated :iconarigatouplz:

It could be better..

From this image.. sigh.. I really don't want to show this..

Okay for those who are insensitive among you, don't send "you suck" reply.. If you can't resist the urge, comment something that I can actually use to be better.. Continuing on top directors..

3. James Cameron

If a guy scored two best selling movies of all time, you know he did something right. Okay to be fair, his strong trait doesn't lie on story, but the presentation itself. Look at Titanic, everyone knew it's gonna sink, it's a major spoiler for plot. It could be turn into advantage though, everyone would be expecting the moment it sink and whether the characters survive. For you who haven't watch, Jack didn't survive. Spoiler alert.

In case of Avatar, the story is overused. I can name three movies with similar plot and different setting, Last Samurai, Dances With Wolf and Pocahontas. The way the story is told is what matters. It shows that classic concept can be told and re-told with new flair. It's predictable, I know, but can you say the movie itself, act of creating a genuine world and physic engine, can you say that's not commitment. Btw he also directed, Terminator series, Aliens, True Lies (quiet good for 90 mov.. because of Jamie Lee dance scene)..

Awww.. Blue alien.. It's not fetish at all, thanks to Cameron

2. Guillermo Del Toro

Imagine if all fairy tale was told with blood and a sense of violence. Not the over-the-top violence but more subtle unique and fresh. Ah the world will be more beautiful place. It could happen though, just give this guy a bunch of money. His most remarkable work is Pan's Labyrinth. It has this modern fairy tale vibe, it tells a story of a little girl in Nazi era. His take on balanced cruelty and innocence is brilliant, truly you'll wonder if this place actually exist. It reminds me of American McGee's Alice. It's romantic in some perverse kinda way.

He also directed Hellboy. You might realize his color tone and mystical creatures. He doesn't rely on gore, although there's plenty in his movies, but more to quality than spam gruesome deaths. The timing and act are great, while it's not blood bath, you get the sense of the impact more. He also worked on Blade 2, ever wonder why it way better from Blade 1 and 3? Now you know, okay Donnie Yen choreograph helped too. He confirm that he's also working on games now.. Man, first time I'm excited for a game which haven't been named yet.

Why this is less popular than Twi.. Twili.... Ugh I can't even say it..

1. Christopher Nolan

Is it really any doubt I'd choose Nolan as my first? This guy is awesome. He doesn't rely on cheap CG, the story is awesome, he directed so well that the whole cast feels natural, the pacing is great, not a moment spared.. I can go on and on..

Inception for Oscar!!!

Why no Oscar for Dark Knight!!!!

You might miss this one... It's worth it

I haven't watch this one.. Dammit should have bought it a few hours ago.. oh well...

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