I spent three hours with the drawing with just pencil. I think if I had darker pencil I could do it better. Pencil 2B is too shallow, need something thicker. It's definitely an improvement though. It's all thanks to this guy http://wackurhment0.devian
Actually I had no idea I'd so much into this drawing thing. If I cried and screamed one month ago, I'd probably just stressed myself. My skripsi survived thankfully and whilst it's not easy, I hope I'll pull through. I still have much to learn though.
Oh I also found long lost manga, Tekken Chinmi Legend. It doesn't appear on Onemanga, so I thought no one translated it. I haven't read manga continuously since Ippo last year. Come to think of it, Chinmi is the longest running series that doesn't suck. It exist since my elementary school days, what manga that last this much? Conan? DB? Not interesting anymore, but Chinmi is still good, just because the combat alone.
Better skill than overused Rasengan or Getsuga Tenshou.. The anticipation of "Did he make it!? Did it hit?" rather "Enemy appear! Whatever.. Getsuga.."
Okay so the art and story are so simple,they are not mind blowing in any way but they are decent enough and have very detailed fight scenes. It might seems complicate but it completely plausible, if you are some master stuntman. Some fights may took many panels or even pages, but they are far more exciting than most manga like, Kyo which is just random super tech but not clear what they do. If you read the book it might too fast, but if you read it in mangafox, which need a few seconds to load, it'll be just right.
Princess Mito has better personality and spunk than many half-naked chicks in other mangas.. I'm looking at you, Air Gear..
Chinmi is as simple and stereotype char as any. He's just a normal humble nice guy, helping others and sometimes comical. He doesn't wear any crazy outfit or has weird hairdo. In every stories, he is always at disadvantages, the enemies vastly outnumbered him, has superman strength, has crazy range or speed and he always fights them consecutively in some gauntlet. He's a sympathetic hero and strong-willed, the manga reminds me of Chocolate movie, even the stance is the same. For consistency and awesome battle, I rate it 8/10
Oh btw any one hear this song lately??.. http://www.youtube.com/wat
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